Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls Educational Assistance, Scholarships and Grants
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Employees Only
Educational assistance is an employee benefit in which the employer reimburses employees for the costs associated with continuing education. The employee must be seeking a degree at an educational institution that maintains a regular faculty and curriculum and normally has a regularly enrolled body of students in attendance at the place where it carries on its educational activities.
Application Period: Applications accepted throughout the year
Certifications are designated credentials earned by an individual to gain the extra knowledge needed to stay competitive and up to date in their field. Employees are eligible to apply for specialty certification and re-certification reimbursement upon employment. Check with your supervisor for more information.
Application Period: Applications accepted throughout the year
The Sanford Health Equity in Education Scholarship is a targeted financial scholarship program aiding underrepresented and traditionally underserved populations seeking higher education. The scholarship application is open to Sanford Health employees and the broader community. Award recipients must demonstrate exceptional character and leadership in furthering their own progress and in enriching the lives of others, especially in service, academics, and community involvement and impact.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Sanford Health & Good Samaritan Society Foundation
The Sanford Health Military and Veteran Scholarship is awarded to any veteran, Guard/Reserve, or active-duty military service member who has demonstrated exceptional character and leadership in furthering their own progress and in enriching the lives of others, especially in service, academics, and community involvement.
Application Period: June 27 - September 30
Donor: Sanford Health & Good Samaritan Society
Sanford Health is providing scholarship opportunities to its employees seeking higher education in clinical research. The competitive scholarship application is open to Sanford Health employees. Award recipients must demonstrate exceptional character and leadership in furthering their own progress and in enriching the lives of others, especially in service, academics, and community involvement and impact.
Application Period: May 25 - July 31
Donor: Sanford Health Research
The Sanford Health Foundation board of directors in Sioux Falls serve as volunteers to support and guide the Foundation’s work. They chose to establish this scholarship to encourage Sanford Health employees who are seeking to continue their education.
Purpose: Support students who have demonstrated initiative at Sanford Schools of Medical Technology or Radiologic Technology.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Sioux Falls Sanford Health Foundation Board of Directors
Donna Howlett was a dedicated and beloved physical medicine/rehab employee at Sanford. This scholarship was established in her memory.
Purpose: Support Sanford USD Medical Center employees who are currently enrolled or planning to enroll in an institution of higher education.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Family and friends of Donna Howlett, through gifts in her memory
Helen Jacobson Cafourek graduated from the Sioux Valley Hospital School of Nursing in 1933 and worked 45 years as a registered nurse. This scholarship was established by her son as a tribute to her dedication to nursing.
Purpose: To make funds available to those who need financial assistance for their nursing education.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Garry and Dianne Jacobson, in tribute to Garry’s mother, Helen
When Florence Junge passed away in 1990, she stated in her will that a gift be given to the hospital as a memorial to her beloved husband, the late Alton F. Junge. The estate gift established the Junge Nursing Scholarship Endowment the following year. In December 1995, the Moller Loan Scholarship Endowment was established with an estate gift from Norma J. Moller for nursing education. In August 1999, these scholarships were merged to create the Junge/Moller Nursing Scholarship Endowment to further support for nurses.
Purpose: This scholarship supports Sanford USD Medical Center employees who are students presently enrolled or planning to be enrolled in an accredited registered nursing program, either undergraduate or master’s level.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Florence Junge and the Estate of Norma J. Moller
Kelly Kortan was a beloved nurse at Sioux Valley Hospital (now Sanford) at the time of her accidental death. This scholarship was established in her memory.
Purpose: This scholarship supports Sanford USD Medical Center employees enrolled in an accredited, undergraduate registered nursing program and are also raising children.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Family and friends of Kelly Kortan, through memorial gifts received
Mary “Kay” Bozman established this endowment scholarship in memory of her mother, Ruth Lancaster Bozman, in 2016. Ruth graduated from the Sioux Valley School of Nursing.
Purpose: Provide funds for certified nursing assistants and licensed practical nurses to further pursue their education and earn a registered nurse degree.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Mary “Kay” Bozman
Dr. Denny G. Ortmeier started his career at Sioux Valley Hospital as an intern in 1963. After completing his pathology residency, he was certified by the American Academy of Family Practice. Dr. Ortmeier dedicated his life to medicine at Sioux Valley by serving in several roles throughout his career, including but not limited to associate clinical professor of medicine at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine, chief of family practice and chief of staff.
Purpose: This scholarship was established to provide health education and related activities associated with Sanford Hospital and its educational programs and employees. This fund is intended to promote continuing professional skill and knowledge development and other activities important in providing health services and medical care.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Family in memory of Dr. Denny Ortmeier
Dr. H.O. (Oty) Kittelson was known for his leadership in family practice and primary care medicine, his great love for people and students, and his interest in promoting education associated with the specialty of family practice. This scholarship was established in his memory in 1997.
Purpose: Support a Sanford School of Medicine graduate student entering a family practice residency.
Donor: Memorial gifts donated to Dr. Kittelson’s family
The Sanford Health Volunteer organization was a group of wonderful people who volunteered their time at Sanford Health in Sioux Falls in a variety of areas including the Gift Shop. The group has since disbanded, but these scholarships were established with funds from Gift Shop proceeds, as well as donations from volunteers in the group.
Purpose: Support Sanford Health student volunteers who are also pursuing a health care related field of study."
Application Period: December 4 – February 12
Donor: Funds for the Health Career and Berenice Johnson Scholarships come from Sanford Gift Shop proceeds. Funding for the Floyd and Isabel Heinemann Scholarship comes from the Floyd and Isabel Heinemann Memorial Endowment for Volunteers.
Sanford Health supports lifelong learning and is pleased to offer financial support for students who are continuing education in a field that can enhance their contributions across Sanford’s footprint. By offering this scholarship, Sanford is making an investment in our region’s future workforce and all the communities we serve.
Purpose: Support students pursuing a post-secondary degree in a health care related field.
Application Period: Spring 2024 of every year
Donor: Sanford Health Foundation
Established in 2021, this scholarship supports Native American students pursuing post-secondary education opportunities.
Purpose: The Sanford Health Lakota Nation Scholarship supports Native Americans who demonstrate leadership and commitment in their community.
Application Period: October 1 – February 1
Donor: Randy and Sonia Bury
Jane was a Sanford employee and was passionate about mission trips. This scholarship was created in her memory by her colleagues and family to provide scholarships for Sanford employees to assist in funding mission trips that they would participate in.
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donor: Family and friends of Jane Lindgren
Purpose: Promote nursing as a profession and provide financial support to students pursuing nursing careers.
Requirements & Eligibility:
- Scholarships are available to junior or senior nursing students enrolled in educational programs leading to a baccalaureate degree in nursing or to students in a master’s degree nursing program.
- The nursing program, in which the applicant is enrolled, must be nationally accredited—such as the National League of Nursing or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Priority will be given to:
- Applicants who do not hold an RN license
- Alumni children/grandchildren pursuing a degree in nursing
- Sanford Health employees enrolled in nursing.
- Students who are members of the armed forces or who are a veteran
Application Period: September 20 - November 15
Donors: Members of the Sioux Valley Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association
Employees and Community Members
Purpose: To promote and provide financial support to students pursuing Allied Health careers.
Please note: Applicants and recipients of the scholarship are not required to commit to any work obligations with Sanford Health.
Application period: February 17 - April 23, 2025
Requirements & Eligibility:
Scholarships are available to students enrolled in an Allied Health program. Allied Health careers include:
- Athletic Trainers
- Behavioral Health
- Cardiac Technologists
- Chaplain
- Child Life
- Cytotechs
- Dental Assisting
- Exercise Science Careers
- Strength & Conditioning Specialist
- Exercise Specialist
- Exercise Physiologist
- Flight Paramedics
- Histology
- Integrated Health Therapists
- Medical Laboratory Scientists
- Medical Laboratory Technicians
- Neurodiagnostic Technologists
- Nuclear Medicine Technologists
- Occupational Therapy
- Orthotists & Prosthetists
- Paramedics
- Pathology Technicians
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Physicist
- Pilots
- Polysomnographic Technologists
- Radiology Services
- Respiratory Therapy
- Social Services Coordinators
- Social Work
- Sonography
- Speech Therapy
- Surgical Technologists
Application Submission Requirements:
- Resume
- Unofficial Transcript
- Optional: One scholarship reference from an instructor, current supervisor or academic advisor
Award: The number of awards varies each year, with each award being $1,000.
Distribution: Scholarships will be awarded in May 2025.
Donors: Sanford Health
Purpose: Promote nursing as a profession and provide financial support to students pursuing nursing careers.
Please note: Applicants and recipients of the scholarship are not required to commit to any work obligations with Sanford Health.
Application period: This application closes on April 18, 2025.
Requirements & Eligibility:
- Scholarships are available to students enrolled in a nursing program pursuing either an associate's (ADN) or bachelor's degree (BSN).
Application Submission Requirements:
- Resume
- Unofficial Transcript
- Optional: One scholarship reference from an instructor, current supervisor or academic advisor
Award: The number of awards varies each year, with each award being $1,000.
Distribution: Scholarships will be awarded in May 2025.
Donors: Sanford Health
The Sanford Health Equity in Education Scholarship is a targeted financial scholarship program aiding underrepresented and traditionally underserved populations seeking higher education. The scholarship application is open to Sanford Health employees and the broader community.
Award recipients must demonstrate exceptional character and leadership in furthering their own progress and in enriching the lives of others, especially in service, academics, and community involvement and impact.
Application Period: September 20 – November 15
Donor: Sanford Health & Good Samaritan Society Foundation
The Sanford Health Military and Veteran Scholarship is awarded to any veteran, Guard/Reserve, or active-duty military service member who has demonstrated exceptional character and leadership in furthering their own progress and in enriching the lives of others, especially in service, academics, and community involvement.
Application Period: June 27 – September 30
Donor: Sanford Health & Good
The Sanford Health Volunteer organization was a group of wonderful people who volunteered their time at Sanford Health in Sioux Falls in a variety of areas including the Gift Shop. The group has since disbanded, but these scholarships were established with funds from Gift Shop proceeds, as well as donations from volunteers in the group.
Purpose: Support Sanford Health student volunteers who are also pursuing a health care related field of study."
Application Period: December 4 – February 12
Donor: Funds for the Health Career and Berenice Johnson Scholarships come from Sanford Gift Shop proceeds. Funding for the Floyd and Isabel Heinemann Scholarship comes from the Floyd and Isabel Heinemann Memorial Endowment for Volunteers.
Sanford Health supports lifelong learning and is pleased to offer financial support for students who are continuing education in a field that can enhance their contributions across Sanford’s footprint. By offering this scholarship, Sanford is making an investment in our region’s future workforce and all the communities we serve.
Purpose: Support students pursuing a post-secondary degree in a health care related field.
Application Period: Spring 2024
Donor: Sanford Health Foundation
Established in 2021, this scholarship supports Native American students pursuing post-secondary education opportunities.
Purpose: The Sanford Health Lakota Nation Scholarship supports Native Americans who demonstrate leadership and commitment in their community.
Application Period: October 1 – February 1
Donor: Randy and Sonia Bury
Purpose: Promote nursing as a profession and provide financial support to students pursuing nursing careers.
Requirements & Eligibility:
- Scholarships are available to junior or senior nursing students enrolled in educational programs leading to a baccalaureate degree in nursing or to students in a master’s degree nursing program.
- The nursing program, in which the applicant is enrolled, must be nationally accredited—such as the National League of Nursing or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Priority will be given to:
- Applicants who do not hold an RN license
- Alumni children/grandchildren pursuing a degree in nursing
- Sanford Health employees enrolled in nursing.
- Students who are members of the armed forces or who are a veteran
Application Period: September 20 - November 15/
Donors: Members of the Sioux Valley Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association