You’re making a difference as a health care professional. Touch even more lives across the country – especially in underserved communities – through the unique travel staffing opportunities at Solutions By Sanford.

We offer travel assignments in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota. We’re made up of nearly 50,000 employees dedicated to the work of health and healing where their services are needed most.

Experience the exciting possibilities our travel careers offer. Whether your goal is to explore new places, enhance your resume or make an impact in underserved areas, find the right match at Solutions By Sanford.

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About Us

Get to know us. We can’t wait to get to know you.

At Solutions By Sanford, we aim to improve the lives of patients and residents throughout the diverse communities we serve. We’ve helped empower patients to lead their best, healthiest lives.

Through our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, we’re working to reduce health disparities in rural and underserved populations and growing our diversity councils, educational materials and multilingual capabilities. In addition, we’re always looking for new ways to expand this work.

Here, registered nurses earn a competitive salary and get a strong benefits package. Compensation varies between positions

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